Terms of use

The santearmenie.org website is published byAssociation Santé Arménie, registered at


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By accessing and/or using this website at https://www.santearmenie.org, all users tacitly and unreservedly accept the present terms and conditions of use of the website.


1.1. The website and each of its components, particularly texts, articles, newsletters, brochures, maps, tag clouds, images, illustrations, photographs, databases, software, trademarks, logos, files available for download, video or sound clips, and the general structure of the website, hereinafter referred to as the “intellectual property elements,” are protected by French intellectual property law. The brands and logos reproduced on the website are registered and protected as trademarks.

1.2. All reproduction rights are reserved for all intellectual property elements on this website. Total or partial reproduction of intellectual property elements is prohibited.

1.3. The user is only authorized to display the website’s pages on his or her screen and is authorized to reproduce the website’s intellectual property elements only on a temporary basis for the sole purpose of consulting the website.

1.4. The user is authorized to download and reproduce for long-term use on any medium only the publications of Santé Arménie, and in particular the association’s newsletters. Any and all use of such content is authorized strictly for personal or private purposes. Commercial use of such content is prohibited. The user also agrees not to communicate or distribute reproduced content to third parties by way of e-mail or by making content available on a website or server.

1.5. The user is authorized to quote from the Santé Arménie website, provided the following is clearly stated: the origin of the document (i.e., “extract from the Santé Arménie website”), the title of the document or page quoted, the name of the author and the date of the document if this information is known.


2.1 General provisions

2.1.1. All accessible data, information and publications represented or downloadable from the website are incomplete and are provided for informational purposes only.

2.1.2. Under no circumstances can Santé Arménie be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of data, information or publications accessible or downloadable from the website.

2.1.3. Under no circumstances can Santé Arménie be held responsible for the content accessible via hypertext links published on the website or for files downloaded from the website or from other websites accessible via hypertext links published on the website.

2.1.4. The creation and publication of a hypertext link to one of the pages of the website is authorized and subject to the prior and express agreement of Santé Arménie. The publication must mention the source with the hypertext link to the site content. Any use for commercial purposes is prohibited.

SANTE ARMENIE cannot guarantee the availability and permanent accessibility of the website, in particular for technical maintenance reasons.

While the list below is incomplete, Santé Arménie cannot be held liable for any of the following malfunctions:

  • Poor transmission and/or reception of any data and/or information on the Internet
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  • Failure of any receiving equipment or communication lines
  • Any other malfunction of the Internet network preventing the proper functioning of the website