Multidisciplinary consultation meetings
The most effective and seamless way to transfer expertise between European and Armenian professionals is to create personal links and settings for direct exchanges to take place. Dans le cadre de l’exercice de leur profession, les professionnels de santé arméniens recherchent un cadre où il leur est possible de partager leurs questionnements avec leurs homologues européens. As they pursue their work, Armenian healthcare professionals are looking for a way to share their questions with their European counterparts.
Santé Arménie regularly organizes online meetings with European and Armenian healthcare professionals specializing in different medical and paramedical fields. This gives Armenian professionals the opportunity to submit their questions on specific cases, to discuss them in a collegial manner, and to receive support in caring for Armenian patients. These meetings enable a direct transfer of expertise on practical aspects of the profession and take place in compliance with confidentiality rules, all thanks to the Omnidoc platform, a secure tool for sharing patient files.