General medicine mobile units

Directors: Dr. Tatevik Bazinian, Dr. Leda Cilacian, Dr. Shahé Bakhshyan

In rural Armenia, access to healthcare is very limited or even non-existent. Some people in need of care have not had a medical consultation in years. Exclusion from the healthcare system in villages far from the capital exacerbates existing social inequalities.

In light of this situation, Santé Arménie concluded that it was vital for mobile units to visit villages in order to offer the population free general medicine consultations and to ensure follow-up and referral of patients in cooperation with regional hospitals.

Santé Arménie concentrates most of its activities in the Syunik region. Consequently, its two mobile units currently operate there, in the villages around Goris and Kapan. The doctors employed and trained by Santé Arménie travel in cars equipped with an electrocardiograph, an ultrasound scanner, medication and biological equipment. During patient consultations, the doctors are assisted by nurses from the villages they visit.